General Questions
Are Ticket Prices Per Person Or Per Vehicle?
All ticket prices are PER PERSON. Everyone needs their own wristband. However, the Tailgate Spot + Two Wristbands is a package for Two and includes the tailgate spot.
Do I automatically get a tailgating spot if I buy a Single Wristand?
No, single wristbands don’t get a spot. You must buy the Tailgate Spot + Two wristbands package as the tailgate spot is included with a two wristband minimum. You can buy a single wristband if you are joining a tailgate party that already has a spot or you can buy additional wristbands with your order if you have more than two people tailgating.
When Can I buy passes?
Passes are on sale now. Head to the ticketing page to select the right pass for you
Will passes sell out?
We are expecting to sell out with such a great line up.
What Times does the festival start?
Gates will open at 10am for GA pass holders and 9am for VIP pass holders. Activities will start early afternoon and performances will start mid-afternoon. Line up schedules will be released with exact set times closer to the festival.
Can I camp?
Yes, Camping is one of the best parts!
Will there be hotel accommodations available?
hotel packages coming soon
What will weather be like?
It’s a SoCal Summer weekend so we expect it to be hot and sunny so bring lots of sunblock and some shade if you’re tailgating. TONS OF WATER.
Is there public transportation?
Yes, check our info page for the bus times and rideshare options
Do I have to tailgate?
NO, Tailgating is fun and a great social activity that works well with country music but there will be equally as many fans not tailgating and enjoying the festival the traditional way. Head to the ticketing page and peruse the “Non-Tailgating” Ticketing options. It is a large space so there is plenty of room and options for everyone.
What if I don’t have a truck and want to tailgate in my car?
That’s perfectly fine. A lot of people tailgate with cars and Suv’s.
What time do gates close to tailgating?
The tailgating gates will close at 7pm but it is highly likely they could fill up sooner. Get to the festival as early as possible to avoid being redirected to a different lot.
What if I have a GA wristband but my friends have a VIP wristband for the VIP Tailgate Lot? Can I walk over to their vehicle and tailgate with them?
No, a VIP wristband will be required to enter the VIP tailgating lots
What happens if I lose or break my wristband?
We cannot replace any wristbands for any reason. Once tightened it cannot be loosened and they will be checked very carefully.
Can I slide off my wristband and give it to someone else to use?
No, once you put your wristband on at the festival it will be checked that it is tight enough that it cannot slip off.
My passes are at Will Call, where is that?
There will be a Will Call area designated on the grounds of the Auto Club with plenty of signage and staff to help you find it. We will also designate it’s location on our fun map once that is published.
What kind of access do I get with my wristband?
Head over to the Tickets Page for a complete breakdown of the different access levels
Can I upgrade at the festival?
You will be allowed to upgrade as long as the desired ticket category is not sold out
What is the best ticket option for me if I am coming for the show but not to tailgate?
We recommend purchasing any of the “Non-Tailgating” ticket options on our ticketing page if you are going to LYFT/Rideshare or simply park and not tailgate.
What's included in the VIP Ticket?
VIP Reserved includes a much closer tailgate space and vantage point to the stage
Front of the stage PIT Access
Boots & Bikinis Mega Pool Party Sidestage
VIP Only bars and bathrooms
Dedicated VIP ONLY lines at all Concessions and Bars
An hour of early entry to get a super close tailgate spot
Preferred access to artist meet and greets
A private performance with a surprise country artist
VIP Non-Tailgating gets everything above except for the Tailgate Lot as it’s for the non-tailgater
Do all ages need a ticket?
All persons regardless of age will need a festival ticket. However, children under the age of 10 do not need an RV camping pass.
Will one day passes be available?
No. All ticket types provide access to festival the whole weekend!
Is the military discount still available?
Yes, it will be once we are on sale at regular (non-discounted) ticket prices.
Where do I pick up military tickets?
You can pick-up your military discount tickets at will call. More information regarding times for pick-up will be released closer to the festival date. Make sure to bring your military ID when picking up!

Venue/Festival Site
Do you sell alcohol?
Yes, just bring a valid photo ID
Do you sell food?
Yes, we have a Delicious program of culinary options and activities!
Since it’s Tailgating, am I allowed to bring my own food and beverage?
Yes, with a Corkage Fee, you are allowed to bring in food and beverage. Corkage Fee can be purchased on our ticket page. You can also purchase food/bev from us as well. We’ll have anything you missed, forgot or should you run out of anything. However, we do not allow beverages in glass bottles for safety reasons. YOU CAN ALSO PRE-ORDER YOUR TAILGATE SPREAD FROM US. See the Pre-Packed Coolers in the ADD-ON Section of the ticket options.
Can I bring chairs and tent set up?
Yes, it’s tailgating after all!! However, Tents and chairs are allowed only in the tailgating sections, NOT inside the festival gates. POP UP TENTS ONLY. NOT CAMPING TENTS.
Can I bring chairs and blankets inside the festival area near the stage?
NO, all chairs and blankets need to stay in the tailgating and camping sections
Can I bring a barbeque?
Yes, propane grills are allowed.
Am I allowed to come and go?
Once you are parked and set up, you cannot leave and re-enter but you can move to and from your tailgate/vehicle set ups freely.
Do you have ATM’s?
Are there EMT/Medics on site?
Can we drop off our trucks to save our spots and go back to our hotels?
Once you enter the festival, no ins-and-outs will be permitted.
When will we get a map of the festival grounds/venue?
A venue seating/section map is coming out in July!
Are BBQ’s and EZ up’s allowed in tailgating sections and camping sections?
Truck yeah they are!
Is there an area to walk in and watch the concerts or do we have to watch from our cars?
Yes, just like a traditional festival there is a big General Admission and VIP pit and other common areas for all ticket holders. There are food and beverage areas, games, dance tents and exclusive areas closer to the stage for certain ticket holders! You can watch from the stage, from your cars, from a pool in some cases and more. We have a lot of options
What’s the rules about bringing alcohol in?
BYOB up to 2 cases for your tailgate area. Additionally, the festival will have plentiful full bars throughout.
Can we leave our trucks/vehicles overnight?
There is a limited number of overnight passes available for purchase that entitle attendees to stay overnight with their vehicles. Guests should plan to NOT drive intoxicated. Drink responsibly by designating a driver or cutting your alcohol consumption with sufficient time to drive safely. in the event, an attendee cannot leave safely, the vehicle may be left overnight at your own risk and for a charge. We cannot be held responsible for vehicles left at the venue.
Will there still be shuttles to and from the grocery stores?
Not at this time. There will be plenty of ride-share options however and we will have a general store service onsite at the festival and should have everything and anything you could need.
Will there be RV hookups and water available?
Yes, head to the ticketing options and select RV Campsite (Power) for full water and power hookups. Additionally, we will have water for sale from water trucks at the festival for those in the Dry campsites.
Can I buy one tent camping spot or will you be selling them in groups?
Yes, you can buy one tent camping spot
Will there be bathrooms/showers in the RV area?
There will be bathrooms but not showers.
If your tow vehicle does not fit in the allotted RV Space, you should add a companion car parking pass to your order.
The RV Campground turns into an EPIC tailgate party with people setting up the coolest tailgates right at their RV campsites and partying all weekend long!
How far is the RV camping area to the stage?
The entire festival is located in the infield of the track which means everything is a short walk to the stage. All Camping as a vantage point of the stage and festival.
We strongly encouraging all parties designate drivers as leaving a vehicle overnight is at the risk of the owner as the festival will not be responsible for the vehicle. As a last resort you may leave the vehicle for a fee and car camp by purchasing an overnight pass.
If we have to leave early on Sunday, can we leave the tailgating lot before the festival ends? What about the RV section?
Once parked, No cars will be permitted to leave the tailgate lots without a security/police escort for the safety of others. No cars will be permitted to leave at all past 6pm. This same rule applies to RV Camping with the additional restriction of campsite lockdown from 9p-2am where No Vehicles can leave from Camping. Tailgaters can leave after the final performance.
Do all ages need a ticket?
All attendees over the age of 2 must have a festival ticket. Attendees under the age of 10 do not require RV camping passes.
Yes. To camp in your car, every person in your group who plans on camping will need to purchase an Overnight Pass.
When can RV campers show up and leave?
RV campers can now arrive Friday at 3 p.m. and may stay until Monday, out by 10am.
Are BBQ’s and EZ up’s allowed in tailgating sections and camping sections?
Truck yeah they are! Make sure they are propane…no open flames.
Can We bring a generator?
Yes in the campsite. Please be respectful of your neighbors and bring small quiet generators or muffle their noise.
What’s the rules about bringing alcohol in?
BYOB up to 2 cases for your tailgate area. Additionally, the festival will have plentiful full bars throughout
VIP Power Spots are 15 x 65 / Dry Spots are 15×40